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    At Sydney Timber Fencing we pride ourselves on our detailed knowledge of all the products we offer to our customers. Below is a compilation of the most frequently asked questions from our valued customers.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    If you have a question that is not on our list please do not hesitate to give us a call at 1800 739 359.

    What is treated pine in fencing?

    Treated pine is softwood timber, usually plantation grown radiata pine in Sydney, which has been CCA treated to effectively increase the life of a radiata pine fence post from a few years to over 40 years. CCA treatment has been safely used in Australia for over 50 years and is an effective and economical way to protect plantation grown pine from attack by white ants, termites and decay for many years.

    There are 6 levels of treatment depending on the intended use of the timber. The most common treatment levels in fencing are H3 which are for above ground timber exposed to the weather (such as fence palings and rails) and H4 for in ground uses such as fence posts.

    Why use treated treated pine to build my fence?

    The cutting down of native hardwood trees or using imported rain forest timbers to build a paling fence is no longer considered an appropriate use of such valuable timber. While these wonderful timbers might make a good fence, they are very valuable and the cost of the fence would be many times the cost of modern alternatives like treated pine fencing.

    Treated Pine timber used in fencing is a fast growing, plantation grown, timber which is renewable. Each time the forest is replanted, these fast growing trees are helping to clean up the air we breathe.

    Compared to native timber which can take hundreds of years to mature, a radiata pine tree is mature at about 18 years at which time the tree can be harvested resulting in valuable timber and the whole process can be restarted.

    How much space do I need to allow to install my new fence?

    An area of at least 600mm both sides of the boundary is needed to properly install your new fence. The easier it is to access the fence line, the better the result will be. It needs at least 600mm each side to be able to dig the post holes, install the frame and nail on the paling with an air operated nail gun.

    What things do I need to consider before my new fence is installed?

    1. The first thing to consider is your neighbours and it is important they are in agreeance to the project if your fence is going to be installed smoothly. Disputes with neighbours often cause lengthy delays in building your new fence.
    2. If you have a swimming pool you want to consider how to protect them during the construction of any new fencing. It is the owner’s responsibility to ensure your pool is legally fenced.
    3. There will need to be an area cleared at the front of the property to enable the delivery of the new fencing materials and to store the demolish old fence until it is removed. Trucks will not drive onto driveways etc. because of the risk of cracking the driveway with a heavy truck.
    4. The boundary needs to be clearly marked by the owner to ensure the fence is installed in the correct position.
    5. The better the ground is leveled under the fence, the better the fence will follow the contour of the ground. Humps and bumps in the ground will lead to gaps under your fence later.
    6. It is important to locate and mark any services under the ground. It is the owner’s responsibility to mark any pipes, electrical cables, gas pipes, internet cables, storm-water drains and anything else under the ground that might be damaged while the fence is being installed.
    7. It is important to make arrangements to look after pets while the fence is being installed. Rarely is a fence installed in a single day and there is no way to predict holdup such as rain, sickness or holdups on the job. This means pets may need to be boarded out for some time.
    8. The contractors will need power and water to install your new fence as well as a clear route to carry the heavy materials into the yard.


    Fence Installation Guides

    Build a Timber Fence.pdf
    Steel Fence Installation.pdf

    New South Wales:
    For laws and regulations regarding building/removing fences and fence maintenance, see the links below

    For laws and regulations regarding building/removing fences and fence maintenance, see the links below

    For more information about local councils in the Sydney area regarding fencing regulations, see the links below.